Estate Planning
Estate Planning gives you the peace of mind that the people you care about are looked after if something happens to you. You should consider estate planning if you have assets, whether it’s a house, superannuation, investments and/or a business.
More than just a Will estate planning helps you arrange your assets so that your life savings end up in the right hands, at the right time.
How Sterling Private Wealth can help
In conjunction with legal and accounting professionals we can help you with:

- Ensuring your Will is current and properly drafted
- Granting Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Reviewing if a family trust is appropriate for your situation
- Identifying whether it is appropriate for you to have Testamentary Trust in place
- Finding the most tax effective manner of passing your assets onto your loved ones (beneficiaries)
- Reviewing your life insurance policies
- Ensuring your nominated beneficiaries are correct for your superannuation
- Gifting to charities
- Identifying the right structure to pass on the family business
- Dealing with capital losses and capital gains
- Dealing with family debts
To discuss your estate planning needs please contact Rob McKean on 07 3706 4122 or Ralph Wilson on 03 9975 7200.